First Baptist Church of New Carlisle, Ohio has a rich and unique history in our community. Since 1955 we've been establishing ourselves as a lighthouse for Jesus Christ in our hometown of New Carlisle, Ohio.

We have Bible Study at 9:15 am and Worship Service at 10:30 am every Sunday. Childcare/nursery provided for all services. Wednesdays we have Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm and Revive Student Ministries for youth at 7:00 pm

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Did you know that FBCNC can receive rebates when you shop at Kroger or Amazon? Each quarter, Kroger and Amazon sends FBCNC a rebate check based upon our total spending.

Here's how:


  • Sign up for free for a Kroger Plus card at your local Kroger store
  • Sign on to for an online account
  • Click on "Community Rewards" and follow the prompts to enroll
  • Choose First Baptist Church of New Carlisle (FBCNC is #83294) and click ENROLL 


  • Sign on to   
  • If you already have an Amazon account, sign in with your username and PW. If not, create an account.
  • A window will pop up to choose your charitable organization. 
  • Type in: First Baptist Church of New Carlisle
  • Click select; then click on YES

Remember you must always go to FIRST to shop.

You're done! It is that EASY!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Welcome Pastor Curt Sharbaugh and family for FBCNC

July 10th, 2016: Join us in welcoming Pastor Curt Sharbaugh and Family on their first Sunday with FBCNC.

May 22nd, 2016: FBCNC voted this morning to extend a call to Curt Sharbaugh to be the new Senior Pastor at FBCNC. Curt has accepted the call and we look forward to Curt and his family serving at FBCNC.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Why was Jesus crucified when He was? - by Ken Lawler

It is generally accepted that Jesus was born around 4BC.  One of the reasons for this date is the reign of Herod the Great.  History records him ruling Judea from 37-3BC, and it was he who ordered all baby boys up to 2-years old in the vicinity of Bethlehem killed.  Jesus was probably around 2 years old when the wise men came, so he would have been born around 4BC.  Assuming He was 33-34-years-old when He was crucified, that would have been around 29 or 30AD.  The Bible records several times the Pharisees wanted to kill Him, but He kept saying, "My time is not yet come" (John 7:6-8).  Obviously The Father had Him on a schedule for when He would be crucified.  One obvious target they were shooting for was Passover, but which one?  It occurred every year.  What was God waiting for?  Why was Jesus crucified when He was?

The Greek Empire.  Alexander's rise to power, succeeding his father Phillip as king of Macedonia, changed the known world.  In only 13 years he defeated Syria,
Egypt and the Medo-Persian Empire, going as far east as India.  Equally as impressive as his military success was his advancement of Greek culture, called Hellenism.  In every city he conquered he instituted schools to teach Greek philosophy and Koine Greek, which became the common language of the known world.  For the first time since the Tower of Babel, there was a common language.  You could communicate with someone wherever you went.

The Roman Empire.  Where the Greek Empire lasted only about 257 years, the Roman Empire lasted, depending on which parts you track, from 1101-2078 years, spreading over three continents.  Best known for having the most powerful army ever; able to defeat larger armies without airplanes, tanks or battleships; they are also known for building many of the great cities still standing today.  Examples are London, England (Londinium) and Cologne, Germany (Colonia Agrippina).  Known as the great builders, they built aqueducts, roads, baths, walls, theaters, temples, arches, cities, palaces, etc.  When the Romans came they not only brought their
army, but also their Latin Language.  Today we use the Arabic numbers to do math, but we still use the Roman alphabet (with a few letters added, i.e. W) to verbally communicate.  Most western languages are based on Roman Latin.

Now back to the title of this article.  The reason Jesus was born when He was is explained in Gal. 4:4, "But when the fullness of the time
was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a women, made under the law."  The word translated fullness means completion, what fills something, or what is filled by something.  As it is used in Gal. 4:4 it means, "the end of an appointed period."  Look at the known world before the Greek Empire and after the Romans arrived.  After Pentecost and the persecution that followed, the Apostles and the disciples (especially Paul) hit the Roman Roads with the Greek and Roman Languages and spread the Gospel world-wide.  None of that would have been possible prior to Alexander the Great and the subsequent Roman Empire.  The fullness of the time was come.  God was waiting for a common language and a modern transportation system to spread the Gospel.

Kitchen Korner: Sausage Con Queso Dip - By Dolly Lawler

This is not a new recipe.  It's been around for a while, but it never ceases to be a favorite.  I made it not long ago, put it in a little crockpot to keep it warm, shared it with friends, and it tasted as good to me as the first time I made the recipe years ago.  It's yummy served warm with your favorite tortilla chips.  Everyone who eats it goes back for another serving.  Now, what's that tell you?

1 lb. Bob Evans Zesty Hot Sausage
1 pkg. Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Products, cut into cubes (16 oz.) (I use Velveeta Cheese)
candiced tomatoes and green chilies, undrained (10 oz.) OR 1 jar salsa (16 oz.)

1.  Crumble and cook sausage in large saucepan over medium heat until browned.  Drain on paper towels then
return sausage to saucepan.

2.  Add cut cheese cubes to sausage.  Cook, stirring 
often, until cheese is melted.  Stir in tomatoes or salsa.

3.  Serve warm with tortilla chips.


Dolly Lawler

Please submit a favorite recipe to

Letter from the Pastor - By Pastor Curt Sharbaugh

Dear Church Family,

We are excited to join you all on July 10th. We’ve had a wonderful week with you and can’t wait to return after we’ve settled some matters in Louisville. Praise the Lord, the closing on our house in Kentucky is scheduled for Tuesday, July 5th, and all of our belongings are now safely stored here in Ohio. The love we’ve already been shown has been such a blessing. From the Lawlers’ graciously letting us stay in their home to the many who have served us by providing food and fellowship, it’s clear that God has given us a great church family to be a part of. Thank you to everyone who has helped us with this transition, getting my office ready, giving us cards, and providing food. I really appreciate all you’ve already done to welcome us into your family.

It was also wonderful to see the many church family members involved in VBS this week. It was a great week with so many working together to minister to the many children who attended. Thank you, VBS workers, for sacrificing time and energy to serve First Baptist Church and the community of New Carlisle as you did this week. From decorations to the daily grind, the effort was exemplary, and as a result many children heard the good news about Jesus Christ. We need to continue to pray for these children and especially for opportunities to share the gospel again with those who do not know Christ through genuine faith and repentance. As difficult as that can be to discern, we can be thankful that our job is not to know their heart with absolute certainty but to be faithful in sharing the gospel.

On Sunday, July 10th, my plan is to preach on 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8. You are more than welcome to read that passage in the week leading up to that Sunday. Please continue to pray for our transition. Pray that the Lord will quickly knit our hearts together in the fellowship we all share in Christ. Pray for unity based on our common desire to bring him glory.

Grace and peace to you all,

Pastor Curt