First Baptist Church of New Carlisle, Ohio has a rich and unique history in our community. Since 1955 we've been establishing ourselves as a lighthouse for Jesus Christ in our hometown of New Carlisle, Ohio.

We have Bible Study at 9:15 am and Worship Service at 10:30 am every Sunday. Childcare/nursery provided for all services. Wednesdays we have Prayer Meeting at 7:00 pm and Revive Student Ministries for youth at 7:00 pm

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I AM ONE.....ARE YOU? - By Wanda Hess

What you ask I am? I am a “Prayer Warrior”.  If you aren’t one, we want you to join the group.  What is a prayer warrior you ask.  This is a person male or female who can pray for those people who need our connection to God’s listening ear.  No special requirements except loving God, loving people and wanting to help in any way.  At our church, we have a “one call system” through the telephone system.  You contact the church office and sign up giving them your phone number that you wish to be contacted with requests.  In the old days(don’t you just love that!) We signed up and there was about 5-6 on the list. When you got the call you had a member that you called next to pass on the information.  You always for a year had the same person to call.  Kinda’ like the game “telephone”. BUT you ask what happened many times by the time information got passed on it got added information.  Or calls became lengthy when you got to “talking” with your prayer partner and the information was delayed.  So getting with the modern system all calls come to you and your responsibility is to pray…..And you say I don’t know how to pray….sure you do…. no one publicly is listening to your prayer and all you have to say is the person’s name that works cause God knows the need and he knows your heart…..So don’t delay contact the church office 845-1211 and sign up to be a prayer warrior or be added to the prayer chain system…..cause we all need prayers!

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